0 World Bank: Indonesia could be a crisis

World Bank: Indonesia could be a crisis

World Bank Country Director in Indonesia, Stefan G. Koeberle, said that Indonesia is not immune from the impact of the global crisis.

According to him, the global crisis could push Indonesia's economic growth is projected at 6.4 percent in 2013 to 4.0 percent.

"Indonesia can not avoid the impact of the global economic downturn, particularly if global commodity prices and demand from other countries go down," Stefan said in Jakarta today.

He said that so far Indonesia still able to pass through the global economic turmoil with forecasts for economic growth in 2012 at around 6.0 percent.

"Indonesia is still enjoying strong growth compared to other developing countries thanks to strong domestic consumption and investment," he said.

In its report, the World Bank assessed the Government of Indonesia has made significant progress to anticipate the impact of the global crisis to prepare for crisis management protocols and arrange financing contingency for the government if a tightening of liquidity in the market.

According to the report, the preparation of fiscal policy plans as spending to support economic growth and protect the poor should begin now to anticipate the impact of the global economic crisis.


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