0 World Bank Ready to Pay for River Revitalization Tallo

World Bank Ready to Pay for River Revitalization Tallo

Bank Dunia Siap Biayai Revitalisasi Sungai TalloThe World Bank or the World Bank is ready to finance revitalization projects Tallo River. In addition to finance, the World Bank will also be experts in this project.

Financial aid plan presented at a meeting of the World Bank team with the municipal government of Makassar. The meeting took place at City Hall Makassa.

The team represented the World Bank Senior Urban Specialist Urban Specialist Taimur Samad and Arief Mulya Ramadhian. City Government represented Makassar Mayor Ilham Arief Sirajuddin, Head of Culture and Tourism of Makassar Rusmayani Majid, and Head of Physical and Infrastructure Bappeda Makassar Masri Muhammad Tiro.

"Makassar City Government offers ideas and concepts. Then World Bank financing. Could also if sharing the budget," said Taimur.

At the meeting, Taimur said, discussed the plan drafting terms of reference (TOR) to determine the model of the project later. TOR will be included in the budget the amount needed. The amount of the budget is not yet known.

After the preparation of the TOR will do a feasibility study (feasibility study) involving a team from the University of Hasanuddin, Makassar.

The project is planned to be started in 2013. Makassar City Government also invited to contribute to finance the project.

Revitalization project is a follow up Wolrd Cities Summit 2011 in Singapore. When the theme waterfont city. In addition, the Eco 2 Cities International Conference in Yokohama, Japan, October.

Tallo river water would be a tourist area, settlement, and trade.


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