0 The World Bank Economic Estimate this year in Asia Weakens

The World Bank Economic Estimate this year in Asia Weakens

Presiden Bank Dunia, Jim Young KimEconomic growth in East Asia and the Pacific is expected to weaken, from 8.2 percent in 2011 to 7.2 percent this year. However, the region's economy will recover to a level of 7.6 percent in 2013, supported by strong domestic demand, China's stimulus support, and reduced external pressures from Europe.

So says the latest report of the World Bank, East Asia and Pacific Economic Data Monitor, released today. The report briefly analyzes all key economic indicators and trends that emerged in the middle of developing countries in the region.

According to the report, weakening exports and investment growth rate would cut China's GDP growth of 9.3 percent in 2011 to 7.7 percent this year. But in 2012, China is expected to recover to the level of 8.1 percent, as the impact of government stimulus packages diterapkah country, as well as increasing the volume of global trade.

"Shares of East Asia and the Pacific region in the global economy has tripled in the past two decades, from 6 percent to 18 percent. With these pins is the growing importance of the region for the whole world, "said World Bank Group President, Jim Yong Kim, in a written statement released from Singapore.

"Under the pressure of the global crisis was, the poverty rate will continue to decline: the number of people living on $ 2 a day are expected to decline 28.8 percent in 2010 to 24.5 percent in 2013," said Pamela Cox, Vice President World Bank East Asia and the Pacific.

According to Cox, the decline in demand for exports from East Asia is the region's economy weakens. "But compared to other regions, the East Asian economies continued to grow strong and growing domestic demand will drive the region's economic growth back to a level of 7.6 percent next year," said Cox.

Domestic Support
This report called infrastructure spending in Thailand after the floods last year as one of the factors that strengthen domestic demand in the region. In addition, countries such as Indonesia - as well as Thailand and Malaysia - are currently enjoying a sharp increase in public expenditure and capital expenditure by the private sector.

The report also points out, the pressure due to the Eurozone crisis began to loosen after the European Central Bank is committed to defend the euro and buy bonds of troubled European countries.

In addition, the policy of the Central Bank of the United States, or the U.S. Federal Reserve, related to quantitative easing to spur growth and reduce unemployment, has managed to restore global equity markets.

0 The World Bank threatened seized RI

The World Bank threatened seized RI

The number of the country's debt to the World Bank now approaching 2,000 trillion. Swelling debt is the impact of the debt bonds amounting to Rp650 trillion in 1998.

"Of course not many people know if our current debt reached 2,000 trillion. Later before I know our country is seized by the World Bank," said Secretary General of the Association of Community Taxpayers Indonesia, Sasmito Hadinegoro, today.

According Sasmito, very unfair if the debt amount, the people who have to bear through tax payments are paid each year.

As a form of justice, it is fitting, said Sasmito, the government immediately stop payment of Rp60 trillion debt (government bonds bank interest) every year.

"Because it is the duty of all the bankers.'s Not the people who bear them," he said.

As a follow-up notice nationwide movement delay tax payments will jointly visit the Office of the Attorney General.

Movement that will continue to expand urged law enforcement officials to punish all officials who were allegedly involved in it. Because they are deemed to have committed crime policy or policy abuse.

"This should be investigated thoroughly so that the president at the end of its   government later in 2014 could be" Qusnul Qotimah "," he was greeted with cries of takbeer.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Foundation Ponpes Al Kamal turmeric, Hafidz Lutfi rate, edicts agreed upon it as something that is good and deserves broad support.

Seeing movement already underway, all the edicts agreed upon and read in the boarding school.

"This movement deserves our support. Because it is time people understand what to do," he concluded.

Told that Indonesia's economic downturn began issuing bank recap bonds in 1998 amounted to Rp 430 trillion.

The program is popular with the name of Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) aims to strengthen the national banks are dying due to the financial crisis hit.

Debt divided. Namely government bonds with a fixed coupon rate of Rp 13.175 percent to 14,275 percent. If the bonds are paid on time, the state must pay its debt to the World Bank for Rp.1.030 trillion. With the breakdown of Rp 430 trillion of debt principal and interest amounting to Rp600 trillion.

0 Invited World Bank, BAKN Parliament flew to Belgium

Invited World Bank, BAKN Parliament flew to Belgium

Diundang World Bank, BAKN DPR terbang ke BelgiaGlobal Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) and the World Bank invited the State Agency for Financial Accountability (BAKN) House of Representatives to help create a model for oversight and accountability of government in presidential and semi-presidential systems.

"The implementation study group included 12 legislators from the parliaments of the nation's governing presidential transcontinental, organized by the Office for Promotion of Parliamentary Democracy (OPPD) - European Parliament will take place Sept 3-6 th 2012 at the House of European Parliament Brussels," said Eva Kusuma Sundari legislators representing BAKN to merdeka.com, Jakarta.

There, they will conduct activities such as discussions on accountability and various types of parliament. "Pegawasan parliament, internal and external oversight, challenges and barriers to parliamentary oversight, parliamentary oversight and strategy," said Eva.

He added that the participants will share practical issues in conducting empirical presidential system of government oversight. Economists Robert Nakamura will act as a moderator or facilitator of the whole process of the study.

"The purpose of holding study group is to produce training materials to assist the legislators in the fight against corruption. Addition will report the discussion, will be made also some handbook on supervision / oversight to the public, members of parliament and congress, and a handbook on international instruments to combat corruption, "said Eva.

According to him, BAKN feel honored to be asked to share the experience that is still short of 2 years. But BAKN also felt it important to be involved in the study group to enrich the material increase in the effectiveness of the revised Act BAKN to MD3.

"BAKN also welcomed the outcome handbook handbook-study group is indeed a need for Indonesia to strengthen the oversight function of the legislator. Both at central, provincial and district and the city," he said.

0 World Bank Ready to Pay for River Revitalization Tallo

World Bank Ready to Pay for River Revitalization Tallo

Bank Dunia Siap Biayai Revitalisasi Sungai TalloThe World Bank or the World Bank is ready to finance revitalization projects Tallo River. In addition to finance, the World Bank will also be experts in this project.

Financial aid plan presented at a meeting of the World Bank team with the municipal government of Makassar. The meeting took place at City Hall Makassa.

The team represented the World Bank Senior Urban Specialist Urban Specialist Taimur Samad and Arief Mulya Ramadhian. City Government represented Makassar Mayor Ilham Arief Sirajuddin, Head of Culture and Tourism of Makassar Rusmayani Majid, and Head of Physical and Infrastructure Bappeda Makassar Masri Muhammad Tiro.

"Makassar City Government offers ideas and concepts. Then World Bank financing. Could also if sharing the budget," said Taimur.

At the meeting, Taimur said, discussed the plan drafting terms of reference (TOR) to determine the model of the project later. TOR will be included in the budget the amount needed. The amount of the budget is not yet known.

After the preparation of the TOR will do a feasibility study (feasibility study) involving a team from the University of Hasanuddin, Makassar.

The project is planned to be started in 2013. Makassar City Government also invited to contribute to finance the project.

Revitalization project is a follow up Wolrd Cities Summit 2011 in Singapore. When the theme waterfont city. In addition, the Eco 2 Cities International Conference in Yokohama, Japan, October.

Tallo river water would be a tourist area, settlement, and trade.

0 The World Bank asked Indonesia secured investors

The World Bank asked Indonesia secured investors

Bank Dunia minta Indonesia nyamankan investorThe World Bank asked the Indonesian government to do some steps pressing things that can cause uncertainty, and provides protection that ensures comfort foreign investors in investing.

"In the future, the government of Indonesia should be able to arrange a few things that the growth of the domestic economy to run well," said World Bank Country Director in Indonesia Stefan Koeberle, when met at the Four Season Hotel, Jakarta.

He considered monetary easing measures by the discharge step quantitative easing (QE) imposed three American Bank Center with funds poured $ 40 billion, will have implications for Indonesia's economic growth of at least 6 percent in the A few years ahead.

The Fed's economic stimulus, would make monetary policy effective darisetiap country could return. However, Indonesia is not expected to reduce the performance boost its economy.

"In the current global economic liquidity is too tight, it is difficult to make monetary policy-related. Padahalkebijakan monetary contribute directly determine a country's economy," he said.

The road should be done by the government, Stefan, infrastructure should remain reform, strengthening economic fundamentals, improved public education and maximize the natural resources. "This is in case the plan does not go smoothly," he said.

0 World Bank: Indonesia could be a crisis

World Bank: Indonesia could be a crisis

World Bank Country Director in Indonesia, Stefan G. Koeberle, said that Indonesia is not immune from the impact of the global crisis.

According to him, the global crisis could push Indonesia's economic growth is projected at 6.4 percent in 2013 to 4.0 percent.

"Indonesia can not avoid the impact of the global economic downturn, particularly if global commodity prices and demand from other countries go down," Stefan said in Jakarta today.

He said that so far Indonesia still able to pass through the global economic turmoil with forecasts for economic growth in 2012 at around 6.0 percent.

"Indonesia is still enjoying strong growth compared to other developing countries thanks to strong domestic consumption and investment," he said.

In its report, the World Bank assessed the Government of Indonesia has made significant progress to anticipate the impact of the global crisis to prepare for crisis management protocols and arrange financing contingency for the government if a tightening of liquidity in the market.

According to the report, the preparation of fiscal policy plans as spending to support economic growth and protect the poor should begin now to anticipate the impact of the global economic crisis.

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