0 3 candidates interviewed president of the World Bank

3 candidates interviewed president of the World Bank

Three candidates President of the World Bank Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala namely, Jose Antonio Ocampo and Jim Yong Kim, who will be competing replace Robert Zoellick in June began the interview stage next week.

Based on the World Bank website announcement, today, Washington time, the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank will conduct the first interview of the candidate of the Nigeria Okonjo-Iweala.

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Nigeria was nominated by a number of African countries including South Africa. Next day, the World Bank will be interviewing candidates championed Ocampo Brazil. Ocampo is currently working as professor at Colombia University, New York.

Meanwhile, the U.S. candidate Jim Yong Kim. The nomination of Kim received the full support of the U.S. and a number of industrialized countries such as Japan and South Korea as a candidate to succeed Zoellick. Men born in 1959 is a U.S. national of Korean descent physician who currently serves as President of Dartmouth College. Since the World Bank was established in 1944, the highest authority is always held by the United States (U.S.).

For the first time for the first time the World Bank President predominantly from developing countries. Previous U.S. Treasury Secretary TimothyGeithnermengatakan, Kim will get broad support from the international community than a candidate from a developing country. Because U.S. society looking for candidates who are able to lead and have the skills to lead the World Bank assured.

Elsewhere, South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak also supports Kim to become the number one in the World Bank. According to him, Kim is the best choice and the right person to lead the international financial institutions.


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